International Journal of Studies in Business Management, Economics and Strategies 2025-02-15T17:18:58+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p><strong>International Journal of Studies in Business Management, Economics and </strong><strong>Strategies</strong> is an open access, peer reviewed international research journal. The journal provides opportunity to the researchers to publish original research. The journal is dedicated to research or other academic topics, patient reports, interesting new scientific articles, suggestions, and new concepts that will be beneficial to management professionals, economics experts and business policy makers and any other readers interested in this field. All articles are double-blindly peer-reviewed by experts in the corresponding field.</p> <p><strong>Publication Frequency:</strong> Monthly (12 Issues per Year)</p> <p><strong>ISSN (E):</strong> 2949-883X</p> <p><strong>ISSN (Print):</strong> 2949-8961</p> <p><strong>JIF:</strong> 7.925</p> <div class="Categorie"><strong>SJIF 2024:</strong> 6.786</div> <p><strong>International Journal of Studies in Business Management, Economics and Strategies </strong>is Published by <strong>Dr. Boris Van Dijk</strong> at Keizersgracht 520, 1017 EK Amsterdam, Netherlands</p> TESTING THE EFFICIENCY OF GLOBAL CRUDE OIL MARKETS IN THE WEAK FORM UNDER THE UNIT ROOT MODEL 2025-02-15T16:56:09+00:00 Haider Nasser Hussein Al Mayali Maithem R. Hadi <p>The importance of this study is gained from the importance of its subject through the methods of one of the most important topics in economics and finance, which is the topic of fluctuations in crude oil markets. In addition, the global oil industry occupies great importance, especially at the present time, as the crude oil commodity is described as the most important global commodity among All other goods are also described as the most important good, Because of its great importance, it is subject to various fluctuations. This is due to its influence on the political, economic and social events that occur in different countries. Certainly, due to the various fluctuations witnessed by the crude oil commodity, it has become vulnerable to mispricing and control by speculators and global policy makers. From this standpoint, the importance of the study emerged. In an attempt to discover the structure, nature and how to manage the crude oil market, It is no secret to anyone that studying the nature of fluctuations in crude oil markets has become a permanent goal for researchers in recent times, especially after the Covid-19 crisis and the decline it caused in global crude oil prices that had never been witnessed before, as the price of crude oil reached below $20 per barrel. Perhaps the most important question being investigated is whether the global crude oil markets fluctuate randomly or is there someone controlling the market? The study aims to test the efficiency of the market in a weak manner and within the framework of single root tests, including the modified Dickey and Fuller test. The sample of the current study included (53) crude oil materials distributed in (12) countries around the world, it is the first research in the world to test (53) different types of global oil crudes. The study concluded that the markets for crude oils and the oil crudes sampled in the research are weakly inefficient and do not follow a random walk within the framework of the Dickey-Fuller model.</p> 2025-02-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 THE ROLE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL CAPITAL IN IMPROVING PRODUCTION PROCESS RE-ENGINEERING: EXPLORATORY.RESEARCH.IN UNION THE U F INDUST FIRM. LTD. IN BABYLON 2025-02-15T17:00:25+00:00 Dr. Emad Wahab Abd-AlAmeer <p>This research aims to identify the role of psychological capital in improving the re-engineering of production processes at the U F Indust Firm In the city of Hilla, the center of Babylon province, and that this will be achieved, the dimensions of psychological capital (self-efficacy, optimism, hope, flexibility) were adopted, and the dimensions of production process reengineering (strategic alignment, customer focus, creative rethinking, Redesign of processes), Union Food Industries Co. Ltd. has been Which was chosen as one of the largest industrial companies specialized in food products in Iraq, including the most advanced and following modern production methods as a company The exploratory and analytical field of the study was through the distribution of questionnaire forms that included (65) respondents from administrative and technical leaders from managers, management and heads of departments, divisions and units. For a specific sample in the field of factory research, and one of the most important findings of the research is that psychological capital effectively affects the improvement of the re-engineering of production processes at the organization of the research sample, in light of the great competition in the food industry sector in Iraq The study concluded with a number of recommendations, the most prominent of which is the need to employ the dimensions of the independent variable, which is psychological capital, in improving the positive impact relationship between it and the dimensions of the variable of the study., which is the re-engineering of production processes within the industrial sector and including It is consistent with continuing to innovate new and strategic production methods for industrial enterprises and achieve sustainable competitive advantage through modern production methods and Business organizations seize opportunities to ensure continuity and growth in the business world.</p> 2025-02-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 THE IMPACT OF MARKETING AGILITY AND CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE MANAGEMENT IN MARKETING ENTREPRENEURSHIP: AN APPLIED STUDY IN A SAMPLE OF IRAQI INDUSTRIAL COMPANIES 2025-02-15T17:02:41+00:00 Ahmed Kadem Abed AL Aboudy <p>The current research collected and studied the three variables that the previous researches are not gathered together. The research aims to demonstrate the impact of marketing agility and customer experience management in marketing entrepreneurship in order to reach the means that help in creating and maintaining demand, suitability, reputation and competitive advantage, and it lays the foundation for how businesses reach their current and targeted customers. The research was applied to a sample of individuals working in Iraqi industrial companies, including administrators, accountants, and auditors. The focus was on companies specialized in the electrical industry, which are the General Company for Electrical Industries, Al-Waziriya Branch, and the Diyala Branch. A questionnaire form was designed to be consistent with the objectives and hypothesis of the research. (118) questionnaire forms were distributed, and (115) forms were retrieved that were capable of statistical analysis, i.e., a percentage of (97.4%). The research reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which was that there is a relationship between marketing agility and marketing entrepreneurship, as many organizations are working to implement process automation in all fields in order to help improve their marketing performance. The research recommends the need to develop and define standards to evaluate the marketing agility practices and marketing entrepreneurship.</p> 2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 USING THE SUSTAINABLE BALANCED SCORECARD TO EVALUATE INVESTMENT IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2025-02-15T17:18:58+00:00 Sadeq Dhahir Farhan Alzaidi <p>The research aims to demonstrate the impact of using the sustainable balanced scorecard on the effectiveness of evaluating investment in information technology, and its ability to improve the evaluation of investment in information technology. The descriptive analytical approach was relied upon, and the questionnaire was adopted as a tool for collecting data. The questionnaire was distributed to a sample of 50 employees in the Bank of Baghdad, and the valid items for analysis amounted to 45 items. The analysis of the collected data was carried out according to the program SPSS statistical analysis according to appropriate tests, and the results concluded that there is a statistically significant effect of using the sustainable balanced scorecard on the effectiveness of evaluating investment in information technology.</p> 2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025